What a great combustible conversation! Shawn Nason, that Man on Fire disrupting health care in his daily mission and work, interviewed Jane on his Combustion Chronicles podcast. We covered a lot of ground, from health consumers and the COVID-19 disruption of our lives, liberties, and pursuits of happiness. The upside of the Great Lockdown and pandemic has led millions of Americans to better understand what can be lost, but ultimately found, through health political engagement. In a word: let’s VOTE on November 3rd for health, health care, and loving our brothers and sisters.
“Man of Fire” Shawn Nason brainstorms health citizenship and health care disruption with Jane
By Jane Sarasohn-Kahn on 14 August 2020 in
News and Upcoming Events
It's becoming a (beloved) annual tradition for my brilliant friend and health care design maven Amy Heymans as we re-convene for the third year (or is it the fourth?) to share our prescient tea leaves about health care in 2025. Our host in this mischief-making is the inimitable Jared Johnson, whose Healthcare Rap podcast brings must-listen-to insights and joy.
Thank you, Jared Johnson, for including me on the list of the "Top Voices of Consumer-Centered Healthcare." Your curated community includes some of my closest colleagues and friends in the field to whom I also turn for that health consumer-focused lens. The patient - consumer, caregiver, health citizen - is the primary noun in health/care and self-care is primary care. My thanks for this call-out, JJ!
Jane will deliver the keynote address at the upcoming Paradigm Management Services 2025 Innovation Summit in Nashville on 28th March. We'll focus on equitable outcomes in a changing society, addressing drivers of health, barriers to techquity, and opportunities for joyful collaborations for the health of all people.
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Founded in 2007, the Health Populi website has over 2,000 posts, along with a library of Jane's writings and media mentions. Please use our search and filter functions to find the relevant posts for you. Make sure to sign up to our RSS feeds and join us on Twitter, too, by following @HealthyThinker.
Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, MA, MHSA