The one issue in health politics that’s got bipartisan support is health care IT. While Republicans in the House may try to pick away parts of the Affordable Care Act, the HITECH Act — part of the 2009 stimulus package formally known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — will stay intact, according to most industry analysts (including me).
However, political agreement doesn’t equal market adoption. So forecasting what 2011 will mean for health information technology requires some deeper analysis of additional issues.
For today’s Health Populi, take a look at my annual health IT forecast in California HealthCare Foundation‘s iHealthBeat.
Health Populi’s Hot Points: Expect privacy, remote health monitoring, engaged consumers in social networks, mobile health, EHRs and meaningful use, and innovations in state health programs to feature prominently in 2011 – a year that will mark the greatest spending on HIT in U.S. history.